The intent of the Environmental Decisions Alliance is to bring decision analytical approaches to the fore for tackling complex global environmental issues at the nexus of social concerns such as economic growth, water supply, energy production, food security and poverty.

Our specific AIMS are to:

  1. Help develop the next generation of environmental decision analysts,
  2. Provide a portal for the wide dissemination of environmental decision-making research, and
  3. Catalyse and demonstrate decision-focused approaches to pressing global environmental challenges.
Figure 1 The decision analytic approach as applied to environmental problems

Figure 1 The decision analytic approach as applied to environmental problems

To achieve our aims we will focus on three CORE ACTIVITIES:

ECR Xchange

To develop the next generation of environmental decision analysts we will implement an early career researcher exchange program between member institutions of the Alliance. ECRs will develop a portfolio of skills through targeted exchanges that will develop core decision analyst competencies from different modelling techniques and decision analytic approaches, to facilitation skills, and an understanding of decision analysis for real-world government and NGO decision and policy settings.

Virtual Seminars

A virtual seminar series will present training on different decision analysis skills, different research endeavours in the field, and approaches to different environmental challenges with the idea of disseminating decision analysis and its utility more broadly in the environmental and decision analysis arenas.

Grand Challenges Forums

The Environmental Decisions Alliance will bring together key researchers, policy advisors, and decision analysts in yearly forums around a grand environmental challenge. The aim of these forums will be to be a catalyst for a collaborative decision analytic approach to these issues that will generate opportunities for better understanding of these complex issues, capturing previously disparate objectives within one holistic solution focused approach, as well stimulate new research collaborations to better inform policy around these complex issues. These challenges will largely bring together different Sustainable Development Goals whilst maintaining a core focus on environmental concerns.  The inaugural forum will focus on the production of renewable energy, poverty and social justice, and environmental protection.

Annual reports

2019 Annual Report, click here to download.